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Bureau R.F. & A.L. Office A.S.A.C.
2nd Div, 3d Sub Dist Ashland, Va.
Dec 15th 1868

Bvt Maj Paul R. Hambrick.
S.A.C. 3d Sub Dist. Va.


I have the honor to state for your information that this morning a freedman came to this Office, who had been beaten upon the head in a most severe and cruel manner.
The author of the outrage was one Calvin Bullock. Overseer upon the place of a Mr Coleman, some three miles from this place.
The complainant stated that the overseer charged him with having misplaced something which he denied having done whereupon Bullock seized a stick and knocked him several times on the head, making him senseless, in which condition he lay for nearly a half an hour. His Head was very badly bruised and cut. In answer to inquiries he stated that

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