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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,

Head Quarters Sub-Assistant Commissioner, 3d Sub-District, State of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., December 18th,1868.

General O. Brown

Assist Commissioner Va,


I have the honor to report that the Board of Officers mentioned in the enclosed Special Order, and for the purpose therein specified have had several meetings and have elicited the following facts relative to the matter before them.

In the months of September or October 1864, the so called Confederate Government purchased from William Beverly Gates the timber upon a certain tract of land (or parcel) lying in the County of Chesterfield on the line of the Petersburg & Richmond Rail Road, about midway between the two Cities Richmond and Petersburg.

The said tract contained 289 acres and the said pretended Government paid for the timber on said land the sum of Seventy two thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars ($72,250) Going at the rate of $250 00/100

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