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per acre. The payments were made two thirds (2/3) in Confederate money, and one third (1/3) Confederate bonds. The property in question was seized by the Quartermaster's Department at the "fall of Richmond and held by said Department for a short period; when it was turned over to Col. John S. Loomis, Ass't Special Agent of the U.S. Treasury Dep't - and the lumber and wood, sawed and cut, which was found by him (Loomis) on the place, when the same was transferred to him, was by the said Loomis sold to the Petersburg & Richmond Rail Road Company.
The owner of the land W. B. Gates, avows that the land was abandoned by the Treasury Department after a long controversy relative to the same, and and that he presumes that the order relating to said restoration of property was issued in Washington, that a correspondence was had on the subject the following letter from John S Loomis Assis't Special Agent of The U.S. Treasury Dept

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-09 17:08:39