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will verify. 
Treasury Department
Richmond District
Richmond, Oct 25, 1865
W. B. Gates Esq
Sir - No decision has been made in the timber cause to which you refer but I doubt not some conclusion will be arrived at very soon. 
The wood out on the land has been sold and it would not be advisable for you to move everything from the land in until the Government decides what disposition will be made of the whole subject and just as soon as I hear, will send you a line. 

Very Respectfully, 
(signed) John S. Loomis
Ass't Special agent

The so-called Confederate Government agreed to remove the timbers from the land in five years - in their Contract with Mr. Gates. Mr. Gates testifies that the sale of said timbers by himself to the Con-

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-09 17:08:52