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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands, 
Fredericksburg, Va. May 12th 1868. 

General O Brown
Asst Commissioner 
Richmond Va. 

In reply to Communication from your office of the 11th inst I will state that the report called for by Par 1, Circular 1, series of 1866, was made on the 9th instant and forwarded. The delay in this report was occasioned by the irregularity of the mails (as reported several times) in the Northern Neck.
C.G. McClellend's personal report received this morning. 

W.R. Wentworth's personal report to General Howard was forwarded from this office May 4th inst. His report under Circular No 6, series of 1866, Head Quarters Asst Commissioner Va. has not been received, of which he was notified by communication from this office May 5th instant.

F.S. Tukey's personal report has not bee received, notice of which has been given him.