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As in other counties where agitation has been without reason, educational interests have been quite neglected — There is only one school in this County, at Curdsville — taught by Mr J.W. Wood, he has only (20) twenty scholars, also one sabbath school reported by same teacher, numbering (30) Thirty scholars, and without aid from outside sources or the Bureau must close his school. The great want of sabbath schools is discreditable to both white and colored. The Register of Marriages is very imperfect, the sheets, which are now in this Office, show only (82) Eighty two males, (82) Eighty two females and (181) one Hundred and eighty one childred — children recognized (34) Thirty four.

The Officer in charge of the 2nd Division, Mr C.E. Zincke, is an energetic gentleman and, when more familiar with his duties, will be an efficient Agent.

3rd Division, 11th Sub District, Va.

Mecklenburg County,
Which in consequence of freshets, want of direct communication and pressure of office business, I have been unable to visit as yet, but shall do so early in May and forward a report from personal inspection. The condition of the Freedmen in this county is the reverse of prosperous, and though the stereotyped report may be made, that none are unemployed who are willing to work, the governing fact as to what remuneration can be had for labor is not made plain.

Education has been entirely neglected in this county, but the Bureau having appropriated rent for (3) three school houses, I hope shortly to present a good report of progress. Mr Geo: W. Graham, the agent in charge, is an active Officer and when more familiar with the detail of his duties will be still more efficient. The Offices of both 2nd and 3rd Divisions require a supply of books for proper record of business correspondence.

Transcription Notes:
The capital and some lowercase M's look like W's. Sticking to "Type what you see: transcribe grammar, punctuation, and spelling as it appears in the original document. Do not correct it."