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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters 6th Div 6th Sub Dist Va
King George C.H. June 8th 1868

Bvt Lt Col James Johnson
Sub Asst Comr 6th Sub Dist Va
Fredericksburg Va


I have the honor to report that on Thursday last a delegation of Colored men waited upon me, with respect to the Landowners whose lands they cultivate. These Land Owners threaten to deprive them of their teams unless they vote in accordance with their way of thinking these poor Colored men seem to be frightened and many of them, unless some action be taken, will be affraid to come to the polls.  I told them to work away and if such thing was attempted to let me know. I understand that Dr Stewart a large landed proprietor has notified all his Colored tenants that they must vacate the premises on or before the first of January next, he has upwards of 200, merely because they choose to vote their sentiments, every thing that a malicious, rebellious people can invent will be made use of to intimidate the colored people [[strikethrough]] will be used [[/strikethrough]] in this county