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must draw extra supplies on account of their pay, which will reduce their pay to a trifling sum; unless wife and children can - during a large portion of the year - earn their own subsistence, and it is generally the case that women and children do not labor as constantly as they ought.

Civil Justice
Civil courts render perhaps statute justice, but not impartial. The last Jury term at Prince Edward Court House prosecuted a long docket of cases against colored men. With two exceptions the thefts were of provisions and the parties have made full or partial confession of guilt. No complaint can, therefore, be made against the justness of the finding of "guilty", but the sentences, imposed by the Jury and approved by the Court, were extreme in every instance. The decision of Magistrates in matters of controversy - referred to them from this Office -  show a leaning towards the whites; and freedmen are very reluctant to appeal to them.

Register of Marriages
As previously reported Register of Marriages is incomplete, the sheets in this Office showing (767) seven hundred and sixty seven males, (767) seven hundred and sixty seven Females, (1045) one thousand and forty five children and (144) one hundred and forty four children recognized by parents. Though made aware fully of the fact that cohabitation, February 27th 1866, renders parties legally husband and wife, the old slave immorality causes too many to practice "lewdness and adultery" and the civil authorities neglect any action to prevent or punish this species of wrong doing. Freedmen, themselves, generally use but one surname.

The County Court made a levy of ($1000) one thousand dollars for  

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