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his duties, and performs them impartially-. Proper books lately furnished by the Chief Quarter Master of the District, they will for the future present a faithful record of Bureau business.

2nd Division
(Comprising the Counties of Cumberland and Buckingham)

Cumberland County
General Condition of Affairs, &c., &c.
The larger portion of this county present a sad appearance of poverty and neglect. Much of the land is poor, but other causes contribute to this appearance, than the want of fertility in the land, or of means among the freedmen. There has been too much agitation-. too much arraying class against class - too high hope excited by colored spectators and organizers - too much unmeasured abuse by white citizens and speakers. There is a general scarcity of the necessaries of life, and with the bitter experience of the past reminder yet fresh in their memories, too much attention is being paid to Tobacco, and too little to Law. True - the stoning has been unfavorable, but much more could have been done, and many find days have been lost, listening to harangue, as ill judged, as ill timed. In consequence of extreme poverty of nearly all employees, most of the land is being cultivated on shares and except on some four plantations, the management of the crops is careless and defective. So in other counties, money wages are usually not payable