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from them, none of which however took effect and Mr Varner running past the house escaped into the woods, where he remained until morning when he came to this office and made the complaint returned to Maysville with Mr Varner, inspected the premises and examined the family of Shepard Snoddy then proceeded to the C House and called upon Mr Shaw & Mrs magistrates before them came Mr Varner & George Shepard the former making complaint for assault &c the latter for theft of one son carried off by the rioters. I have invited attention of Justices to the fact that the outrage is not a simple assault but came under the head of Riotous Assembly and assault as set forth on Mayor Guide Pages 573 and 577. The hearing is set for Thursday Sept 3. when it is my intention to be present for however indiscreet Mr Varner may have been this expedition of not law on account of political antagonism, cruelly unpunished open wide the door for public disorder I have communicated the facts to Capt. Comer Mil. Comr. and he proposes to leave the investigation to me.
I am General
Very respectfully
Your obt servt
Thos. P. Jackson
Sub Asst Comr