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man, and on getting there the man was gone, we looked around for him but could not find him, I then went with Mr Roberts to where the difficulty occurred, and there saw evident signs of a desperate encounter in two or three distinct places. Mr Roberts told me the first time the negroe closed with him he thought to get possession of of a Bowie knife which he (Roberts) had with him but Roberts threw the knife away, I dont know whether it was Mr Roberts or Dr Flornoy picked up the knife but Saw it was found at the place where the fight occurred, also saw the stick which Mr Roberts said the negre struck him with (was shown a stick) that is the same stick I saw laying in the road near where I saw signs of a fight.
Dr. P.H. Flornoy's evidence amounts to about the same thing as Roaches, as also that of Mr Elam except Elam did not see the place but herd Roberts make the very same statement about word for word, as stated by Mr Roach. After all the evidence in the case was heard, the magistrates went into private deliberations, in about fifteen minutes afterwards they called me, and informed me that they had concluded to commit the prisoner, but they also concluded to take bail if the prisoner could get responsible security, which he done, and was bailed in the Sum of $200.00 for his appearance

Transcription Notes:
12.10.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-10 18:43:26