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provision of act Assembly of Va February 27" 1866, but the tie of legal matrimony sets very loosely, and changes of partners are exceedingly common. The civil authorities do nothing to enforce the statute against "lewdness and Adultery", and nothing but education of the rising generation, aided by a more decent public opinion, can efface the lewd teachings of generations.

The Poor
The Alms House offers shelter and bare subsistence to helpless paupers, and the County appropriation of ($1800) Eighteen hundred dollars is more liberal than heretofore, but the majority of pauper freedmen are supported by their own people.

Too many laborers for means of employers, but far less than the area of the country and dilapidated condition of fences and buildings call for.

Schools do not thrive in Cumberland, though no where can they be more needed. The colored people have not taken hold of this vital matter, with a will, and except the Locust Grove School, while under Miss Morrows management, nothing effective has been done. The success of Miss Morrows school was largely owning to the energy of a freedman, Samuel Bolling, and since he has been sick, this has fallen back, but will I trust soon be renewed.

Taxes are ($1 0/100) One dollar Poll Tax, and (35¢) Thirty five cents per ($100) one hundred dollars.

Road duty.
The condition of Roads in wet weather, could not well be worse, and little has been done towards repairing. A difficulty having occured about a fine for nonperformance of road duty by a freedman, he alleging sickness. I sent for Road surveyor and he exhibiting his appointment, I found his instructions are to summon "hands" only, consequently the White citizens escape both road duty and penalty,

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