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Woodstock Dec 18th 1868

Genl O Brown
Richmond V,A

On Monday next the property of the Bureau at this place will be sold, it looks like the Bureau will be discontinued after the first day of January next, I saw a notice stating that a few agents of the Bureau would be retained to attend to the Educational department and to pay out Bounties, If I have given satisfaction to you, I would like to be continued, I think I have given entire satisfaction, to all parties in the Counties where I have labored,

Indeed I do not know an individual who would refuse to sign a petition for my continuance if it was necessary, I have attended all the Courts regularly and watched with vigilance the Interest of the Freedman, Radical as I am I believe I can carry this County for allmost any Office in the gift of the people,

I have heard no complaint in any transaction of mine as Agent for the Bureau, except in one instance and that was in my investigation of Minor Johnsons case, Capt McDonnell returned me the papers with the endorsement thereon that it 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-11 14:09:35