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visit Florida and return - that the Commissioner is willing to authorize the payment of these agents at the rate of ($30.) Thirty Dollars per month during the time they are necessarily absent on this duty. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
(signed) O. Brown
Act. Asst. Adjt. General.

Garrick Mallery
AAA Genl

5.V.1350. (Telegram)
October 9th 1866.

Austin Capt. W.P.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Norfolk, Va.

If the civil authorities do not attend to the burials - You must - Get their refusal in writing.

(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. and 
A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
AAA Genl

October 9th 1866.

Conrad Lieut. Col. J.S. U.S.A.
Recorder of Board of Examination

I have the honor to state that owing to a temporary pressure of duties now forced upon these Head Quarters. The absence of Lt. Col. Garrick Mallery V.R.C. now serving on the staff of the Asst. Commissioner, during any part of the next two weeks, would be attended with serious inconvenience to the service, and if compatible with the rules or convenience of the Board of Examination before which he is ordered to appear, I respectfully request that a day be fixed for his appearance after the period above named.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
In the absence of the Asst. Commissioner
(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. and 
A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
AAA Genl


October 10th 1866.

Austin Captain W.P.
Supt. 1st Dist. Va.

The Department of State has informed the Major General Commissioner that plans are on foot to lead freedmen to move abroad, and in particular to Peru upon a promise of higher wages than they receive at home and other inducements, none of which is considered will be fulfilled, and it is suggested that officers of the Bureau R.F. and A.L. advise the Freedmen to be cautious how they conclude bargains to go to foreign countries.

By instructions from the Major General Commissioner the above suggestion will be complied with, and you will notify the officers of your District accordingly.

All proposed contracts by the terms of which Freedmen will be required to pass beyond the limits of the United States will be forwarded without approval to these Head Quarters.

By Order of Maj. Genl. Schofield Asst. Commissr.
(signed) O Brown
Act. Asst. Adjt. General.

Copy sent each Superintendent

Garrick Mallery
AAA Genl

October 11th 1866.

Tinsley Mr. Joseph
Charlottesville Va.

A full report of your case has been received at these Head Quarters, and to prevent the needless sacrifice of your property, you are earnestly advised to settle the matter without allowing your property to be sold.

The decision in the case seems just and equitable, but even were it not so, an obstinate adherence to your present course can only result in injury to yourself.

You are not the first man - White or colored - who has been forced by law to assume liabilities of which he believed himself free, but you must remember that having appealed to the law, you must abide by its decision.

Very Respectfully

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