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Sold by RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond. | Summons instituting Suit at Law. 

The Commonwealth of Virginia,

To the Sheriff of Dinwiddie County--Greeting:

WE COMMAND YOU to summon Thomas Stith (Freedman) to appear before the justices of the County Court for the County of Dinwiddie at the Courthouse thereof on Monday the 16th day of November 1868. TO answer a presentment of the Grand Jury made against you at the August Term to appear at the Rules at the Clerk's Office of the ____ Court of ____ County, on the first Monday in ____ next, to answer ____

1868. for unlawfully detaining two boys Rich'd Mason & Chas Mason who were apprenticed to W.S. King by F.M. Kimball agt of the Freedmens Bureau Brunswick Co Va

And have then there this writ. Witness, A.M. Orgain Clerk of our said Court, at the Courthouse, the 5th day of November  1868, and in the 93rd year of the Commonwealth. 
A.M. Orgain