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sent forward by a board of magistrates on a charge of conspiracy which charge was made by a woman who was reported afterwards by the chief of police as laboring under some aberration of mind.

He has ordered release on bail of negro convicted for attempted rape on the evidence of a woman proven by indisputable testimony to be crazy in her own evidence admitted that the negro did not enter her room or touch her person and that she recognized him only by his voice as she did not see him. Outrages, no so gross as these, however, are reported to me in each division and some provision is required in every division to assist the colored man in protecting himself against the ignorance and stupidity of such juries and magistracy. I find a large class of whites in every county in whose hands the colored man would meet with every right and Justice. But unfortunately this class of good and impartial men is largely excluded from the magistracy and jury bench and the degeneracy  from the former high standard of the magistracy is a universal complaint among the citizens. I can procure little general