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has been visited by me several times, everything connected with Mr. Chase: administration of Bureau affairs, gives evidence of his ability and energy in the conduct thereof.  There is but one school in operation in Pr. Wm. Co. but the people are anxious to get more in operation and are taking steps to secure the ground and the erection of the necessary buildings.

I visited Leesburg, Loudoun County, Va. S.B. Smith A.S.A. Com'r. in charge, his books and records are kept in the manner prescribed by the Bureau manuel and are in good order.  The Schools in the 3d Division, ten in all, are in good condition, and prospering, the success of the education interests, and the establishment of so many schools is due to the assistance rendered by the Friend's Society of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The general condition of the freedpeople is good, there are some few that are without friend's on whom to rely for support, and being old and infirm require assistance, but as a general thing the freedpeople take such care as they possibly can of their crippled and infirm relatives, they seem to have a great dislike to be sent or go voluntarily to the Almshouses

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