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seemed good. Lieut Mahoney deserves much credit for work accomplished in his division  Though rather illiterate yet he brought much good sense into his work and I doubt whether any officer could have been more successful in caring generally for Bureau matters. 

His successor, Mr. Leahy's papers records and action evince ability to faithfully discharge the duties of the office 

Since last report you have merged divisions No 3 and 4 into one, and put them in charge of Mr. Fernald as division No. 3. I found in these counties much trouble being experienced by both whites and blacks in obtaining supplies of food. Last year tobacco was cultivated to the exclusion of wheat and corn and as a consequence, corn has now to be imported at heavy expense and is bringing readily $2.50/00 per bushel. Such a condition of affairs bears hard upon the laboring population and it is estimated that nearly all had exhausted the results of last years laborers in purchasing bread


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-14 18:22:22 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-15 08:02:34