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limited aid to the freed people and have made a levy for the next fiscal year of four thousand dollars being the same as last year and any amount wholly inadequate for the wants of the destitute.
In various rural districts there is little complaint at present and yet little evidence of thrift on the part of many. Levies for indigent purposes are generally small in each county and of course will be distributed partially.
Suffering cannot possibly be avoided by many. For low wages and poor crops together with present improvidence do not give much assurance of future comfort.
Labor I regard in the whole division as in excess otherwise wages would rule higher and greater privileges necessarily accrue. This Division can well spare a fourth of its laboring population.
Justice at the hands of Juries is a matter of accident or rather of design for no radical negro if the cases have any political bearing whatever can obtain justice from them while a conservative negro escapes unpunished

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 14:08:28