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Bureau of RF. & A.L.
Head Qurs 4th Division 7th Sub Dist
Appomattox C.H. Va Oct 12th 1868 

Bvt Brig. Genl. O. Brown 
Assist Commissioner
Richmond, Va. 

In behalf of the Union African Church of Appomattox Co I have the honor to request a donation from the Bureau of $50.00 to finish the construction for school purposes

The colored people have the fee simple right to the land on which this church is built having been donated them by James Shearer, Esq. and proper deed made and recorded in the clerks office of the same

This church and school house is a necessity to the neighborhood being ten miles from any other such building

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant,
L.A. Nesmith
Lt 12th U.S. Infantry
A.S.A. Commissioner
6th Division

Hd Qrs 7th Sub Dist Va

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 13:07:38 per SI personnel records: June–Sept. 1868 Assistant Subassistant Commissioner Lt. L. A. Nesmith (1st and 6th Divisions, 7th District)