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Hanover Junction Va
January 20/68

General O. O. Howard
Washington City

I beg leave most respectfully to inform you that at the close of the war among my original servants was a family of six children their mother having died a short time before the surrender their father did not belong to me. Having a very great sympathy for the children on account of their mother who was a faithful family servant and their then helpless condition I hired their father the first year after the surrender. A person in the neighborhood the next year induced him to leave me under the [[position?]] that he would do better by him than I was The first year after he left he died leaving five of the children living Viz a girl 15. boy 13. and three girls 11 - 9 - & 7. years old. These children the person with whom they were living at the death of their father have had ever since without any understanding as to what they are to receive for their services or any arrangement as to their present or future welfare they have no relations in this section of the country to look to their interest and are

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-16 19:18:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-16 19:22:15