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totally ignorant of their rights and are not likely to know if permitted to remain in their present condition. At the death of their father I informed the Provo Marshall of this county of them and he said they should be found out. I remain a Power of Atty from their Grandfather in Miss - empowering me to take charge of them and get them good homes and to see that they had justice from them, all this the person in question disregards and still holds on to the children for no other purpose than pecuniary gain. Is this right? Is there no law in regard to such cases. If not in the name of justice there should be as thousands of such cases exist in every state in the south the greater part of whom I venture to assert will never receive more than a mere subsistence for their labor and be raised in rage and ignorance half fed. I have no personal interest to serve in this matter all I want is that justice should be done. These people are free and a stringent law should be passed by the proper tribunal to prevent them from being consigned to an infantry worst slavery than they ever were I should make it an offense punishable by fine and imprisonment in any man to keep little negros in this manner. If they want them let them have them

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-16 17:41:59