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avail themselves of its privileges.

5: The supply of labor far exceeds the demand, and during the past winter many were out of employment. Now that spring work has commenced, the surplus labor will soon distribute itself to find employment. No contracts have been made, and employer and employee are alike unwilling to enter into any.
If by this means the freedmen can obtain monthly cash payments, it certainly will be for his advantage, as he is almost invariably cheated in long accounts and store payments.

6:. The school here at Winchester, aided by the Bureau, has been more successful the past quarter, than heretofore. The teachers are competent, industrious and untiring in their efforts to make it what it has become, a first class school. In government and proficiency will compare, favorably, with any school of it's grade, and parents, pupils and public seems equally well pleased with its operations. The three other schools, however, give but little hope of future promise - two of them are taught by colored women who are deficient in the first elements necessary for the work; and the third is taught by a white lady, who, whatever her abilities may be, can make but little progress, as she has other