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employed, and although the wages are small, still, with constant employment, there is no suffering. As the people have a choice of employers, causes of complaint are few, and if temperate and economical, they cannot fail in steady progression. 
2d: The prospect of full and complete justice being given Freedmen in cases where they are interested against whites, is not good.  An offence committed by a colored person, is looked upon as more henious, and therefore should be punished more severely than the same offence committed by a white person.  Political and other prejuidices operate unfavorably to the ends of justice in this division
3d: The Register of Marriages for Shenandoah County is completed and in convenient form: it has not yet been finished for Rockingham County.  The four paragraphs contained in Circular no 11. are carried out so far as known.
4": The County authorities provide for the indigent freedpeople as for the same class of whites; the means are ample, and the houses tolerably fair for the purpose.
5": The demand for labor will grunally [[gradually]] exceed the supply.  Freedmen with families would do well to settle in this division; avoiding