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Mumford Brandon (c), lives at Kings Stn 8th District Mecklenburg Co sworn 

Are you thoroughly acquainted with the condition of the colored men living near you
I am

State how they are working as compared with previous years since surrender?
More faithfully

On what terms are they generally employed? 
Few work for wages. Wages for able bodied men range from $70 to $80 per year with food but not a regular allowance  Those working for share of crop generally receive one fourth of all crops made and find provisions &c for themselves and families. Those who have team & provisions of their own pay as rent one fourth of all crops

What is the state of feeling between white and colored men near you? 
As to politics though there is a decided difference of opinion. There is no hard feeling against the whites, nor any disposition to be troublesome or insulting. 

Have there been any cases of assault committed by colored men against whites in your neighborhood during the past three months?

Have there been any cases of assault committed by white men against colored? 
None to my knowledge

Are threats made by white citizens against colored men in case they vote contrary to their wishes?