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I hear colored men say that white citizens threaten them - with discharge from employment and stoppage of supplies of provisions

Is there any difference between the feelings of the colored towards the white citizens since January 1868?

There is no difference. There is much dissatisfaction with having to accept present low rate of wages but are compelled to accept. Having made nothing last year they felt unwilling to work again on same terms, but having made engagements and working fairly to carry them out - 

Do you occupy and cultivate land yourself?

Who owns the land?
Myself and my son purchased 43 acres of land about 11 years ago. This I now cultivate 

Were you free before the war?

Have you ever heard any colored man state he had heard or supposed he had heard Mr G W Graham ASA Com at Boydton give advice to him which would cause all feeling between white and colored or lead to any collision between them?
I have not

What is the prospect of crops as compared  with last year? 
More tobacco, wheat & oats. Corn about