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L.B. Page 165

B.R.F. & A.L. 3d Div. 9th S.D.
Woodstock Va.
June 9, 1868.

Capt. J. A. McDonnell 

I have the honor to report that William Ott, a near relative of the two persons of that name, lately arrested by the Comdg Officer at Winchester for cutting down the flag staff at this place - this morning assaulted Celina Jackson (Col'd) one of the witnesses of the above mentioned outrage - by throwing stones - one of which struck her in the side, also by striking her with his fist about the head, neck and shoulders, until she was rendered almost insensible.

Hugh Ott (released yesterday on bail by Col. Franklin) was present and asked her in insulting language if she would "swear against him again".

This matter has been brought to the notice of the civil authorities, but there seems to be no intention on their part of protecting this defenceless girl - whose only crime is her color, and that she was a witness against parties who are breaking the peace of this town.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
J.T.H. Hall