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86. R.F. + AL. + O.D. Va. 3.Vol/68

Bureau R.F. + A.L. 
Off. A.S.A.C. 1 D.4 S.D. Va 
Gardonsville June 25 1868

M.195.R.F.+A.L. Va 1st Vol, 1868. 
Marcus S. Hopkins
A.S.A.C. +C. 

States that a colored man names Wm Riley was shot in Louisa Co. by a white man names James M. Tanner and gives the porticulars of the affair as shown by the evidence at the examination of Turner before Justice Goodman. Turner was bailed to appear at Court in the Sum of $1000. 

Jun 29 1868 [[/stamp]]
Staate of Virginia  Bureau of F.R. & A.L. 

Bu R.F. + A.L. 
Hd Qrs 4th Sub Dist 
Gordonsville Va. June 26/68

Respectfully forwarded to Gen. O Brown Asst Comr. Va. Wm N Morse  S.A.C. 4 Sub Dist 

[[strikethrough]] H Geuda [[/strikethrough]] 