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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Head Qu'r's. 2d Division 4th Sub Dist., Va. 
Goochland C.H. Va. March 10th 1868. 
In compliance with Circular No. 1, Series 1868, I have the honor to inform you that I have assigned the fourth Monday of each month when I will be in attendance at Fluvanna C. House for the purpose of transacting Bureau business. I propose to remain there so long each month after the fourth Monday, as may be necessary to complete any unfinished business.

I am Very Respectfully

Your Obedient Servant

E.C. Morse
A.S.A. Comr

Major W.R. Morse
Sub Assist Comr
Gordonsville Va. 

[[note]] Approved WR Morse Sub Asst Comr. 4 Sub Dist Va [[/note]]