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Lunenburg, Court. House
Virginia -
October 20th 1869

Captain Wm. P. Austin.
Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr

Dear Sir.

In reply to your communication of the 7th Inst. asking information relative to my claim to compensation for services as agent of the Freedmen's Bureau for this County. I have the honor to Submit the following Statement of facts and accompanying papers bearing upon the same.

By whence to my commission herewith filed, marked (A), it will appear that I was appointed agent of the Bureau on the 17th day of November 1865, and entered immediately upon its duties. The Court was held regularly three days in each week, and frequently, would sit the whole week continuously, when there was a [[?]] of business. No record was, I believe, kept of the sitting of the court, a copy of all contracts being preserved on file in the Bureau office, was deemed sufficient by the Asst Superintendent, who acted as President of the Court. The court sat three days in each week by order of the Asst. Supt. until It was abolished by Circular orders in which were received on the 23 of May 1866. upon which day the Court adjourned. See Circular No. 2. enclosed herewith marked (B). I continued however, to advise and assist the Freedmen upon all matters with their employers, aided them in writing their contracts, so that, they would be held legal in form and finding in the civil courts.