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O 37 RF&AL Vol 13 '68
O 6 RF&AL Va 2d Vol 1868

as agent of the Bureau.  My family will suffer for the common necessities of life.  I have a small house and lot at Lunenburg C.H. which I am trying to sell to get money to buy bread for my children but money is so scarce here and the feeling against me so great on account of my political sentiments that I despair of being able to sell this little property which if sold - will leave me without a shelter in the world for my family. And yet unless I can sell it or get the money due me.  I see nothing but ruin & starvation for me and my little ones. This is no fancy picture I am really in want.  I appeal to you then in God's name try and get the pay due me as agent if possible.  I am satisfied that if General Howard knew my antecedents and the service I have performed for the Government he would have me paid. If you will confer with Gen'l O. Brown I know he will do all he can to aide me & advise you how to proceed to get this money.  I served with you on the Bureau and you can speak of my fidelity as agent. I'm making this appeal to you.  I am sensible I am putting you to great trouble perhaps on my account. But my urgent needs and the fact that I believe you one my true friend have induced me to address you upon the subject.  Please write and give me such advice about it as you think best for me to pursue - so as to get my pay.

Truly &c
Your friend
Geo. C Orgain

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-21 14:33:13