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gradually undergoing a great change and if the citizens cannot now appreciate the interest you have taken in the Freedman's Affairs, the time will surely come when all classes will think kindly of you for your disinterested efforts in behalf of the Freedmen
I started for Lunenburg Court yesterday and reached the River when I was compelled to return to the junction as I couldn't ford or swim the river. I regret very much my absence from court as I know I was expected, and it was my duty to attend it. But I shall take advantage of the first good day to go over there certainly this week or by next Sunday.
I am Capt. with high esteem.
Very Truly Yours
D. Jerome Conolly

Lunenberg C.H. Va
Act 20/68
Capt. Austin will please read this letter and return it to me unless he thinks it necessary to forward the same with the enclosed papers in which event, he is at liberty to do so. Very Respectfully &c
E. Corgain