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Record of Proceedings Before Military Commissioner R.G. Rutherford, Lieut. 45th U.S. Inf.
at Burkeville Virginia, during month of February 1868. 

[[8 columned table]]
| Date of Trial | Number of case | Complainant | Defendant | Character of action or complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision or action of Comm'r | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 1868. February 1st | 1 | United States | Millington Hines | Assault and Battery upon the person of Peter Gee. (colored) | Evidence sustained the charge | Defendant fined in the sum of $10 00/100 and costs ($1.90). | Case tried by Justice Blackwell of Lunenburg County, and decided contrary to the Evidence, reopened by Military Commissioner. Case continued to Feb 10th 1868 on account of the absence of Defendant. Decision rendered Feb 10th 1868 at Lunenburg, Court House, Defendant not being able to pay the fine and costs at the time gave bond for the same payable March 9th 1868. |  
| February 1st | 2 | Peter Gee. | T.S. Hines | Plaintiff charges Defendant with refusing to divide crop made on shares in the year 1867, and Endeavoring to defraud him of his share of the same. | Evidence showed that a portion of the crops had been divided but that a dispute had arisen in regard to the Tobacco resulting in the refusal of Defendant to divide that crop. | Judgment for Plaintiff for 219 1/2 pounds Tabacco, value $20.00/100, and costs ($9.10) Plaintiff to pay for 1/4 of the guano, value $6.68. | Referred to justice Blackwell Lunenburg County, who stated that the amount involved placed it beyond his jurisdiction, case was then opened by Mil. Comm'r. Continued to Feb 10th 1868 on account of the absence of Material witnesses. Decision rendered February 10th 1868, at Lunenburg Court House and judgment placed in hands of Samuel, W. Oslen, constable, for collection. |