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Board of Proceedings Before Military Commissioner R.G. Rutherford, Lieut 45th U.S. Inf. 
at Burkeville, Virginia, during month of April 1868. 

[[8 columned table]]
| Date of Trial | No of case | Complainant | Defendant | Character of action or complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision or action of Commissioner | Remarks | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| April 13 | 1. | Mumford Jones | Joshua & Samuel Smith | Refusing to pay a balance of $32.00 due Plaintiff for services rendered as a farm laborer during the year 1866. | Evidence showed contract between Plaintiff & Joshua Smith, who admitted that he was in debt to Plaintiff, but disputed the amount, claiming certain credits for lost time &c &c; It appeared, however, that the amount claimed was the balance stated by Defendant's Son to be due to Plaintiff. | Judgment for Plaintiff against Joshua Smith for $32.00 with interest from January 1st 1867 until paid and costs, amounting to $2.10. | Case tried by Justice F.S.N. Smithson, who gave judgment for Plaintiff against Samual Smith for $32.00 with int & costs. New trial had before Justice E.C. Winn who dismissed the warrant, Case reopened by Military Commissioner upon application of Plaintiff and tried at Lunenburg C.H. | 
| April 25th | 2 | Mary A. Jones (cold) | Giles Gilliam (cold) | Alleged detention of Plaintiff's daughter by Defendant, the reputed father of the girl. | Evidence showed that the girl had been whipped by her mother and Step-father and that she then ran away to her reputed father, Giles Gilliam, who refused to give do so, said Giles Gilliam was never married to Mary A. Jones even as Slaves were permitted to marry, nor did he ever live with her or support her or her child. | That Giles Gilliam return the girl Catherine to her, Mother Mary A. Jones, to whom she shall be dutiful and obedient and who on her part shall take proper care of and not permit any one to whip her; but shall, when she needs correcting, administer it herself. Costs (30 cts) to be divided between Plaintiff and Def'd't. |   | 

I certify that the above is a correct transcript of all cases tried by me, in which freedmen were interested, during the month of April 1868

R.G. Rutherford
Lieutenant 45th U.S. Inf. 
Mil. Commissioner 8th Div. Va. 

Transcription Notes:
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