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generally regarded by the Freedpeople as disastrous to their interests especially in the event now highly probable that the state should still remain unreconstructed at that date. They still look to the Bureau as heretofore for instruction as to their civil rights and protection in the exercise of the same.

[[left margin]] Threats of discharge of Col'd Employees [[/left margin]] 

It having been reported from various localities that threats of discharge from Employment and ejection from rented lands on political grounds were becoming common, directions were given for the instruction of the Freedmen by the several A.S.A Com's by means of Circulars to be read in the churches and other public places, that any such Summary discharge would be wholly illegal and would not be allowed.  Since these measures were taken and the Election indefinitely postponed Complaints of this nature have nearly ceased.

[[left margin]] Abandoned Property [[/left margin]] 

The Amount of Abandoned property remains the same as at last report no restitution having been sought by former owners during the Quarter

[[left margin]] Expenses of the Bureau [[/left margin]] 

The Expenses of Supporting the Bureau remain about the same and no very material dimunition can well be made until the 1st of Jany next or until the reconstruction of the State should the institution be so long continued. 

Transcription Notes:
1st word, generally, on previous page (* PER SI.. when a word is split between pages, the full word is to be on both pages) 3 question marks remain. "dimunition" is misspelling of "diminution" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-26 10:07:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-27 17:29:57