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by the advice of rebels.  It does not appear from the note to Sarah Johnson by Mr. Hopkins on which she makes her claim, nor from his subsequent statement that she had any good ground for expecting assistance from the Bureau.
In view of these facts, and from the information and suggestions of the Bureau officers W. R. Morse, Sub. Asst. Com'r, and M. S. Hopkins A.S.A. Com'r, adverse to this claim, I respectfully recommend that it be disallowed.
I have the honor to transmit herewith all the papers in this case. - 

Very Respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant
O Brown
Asst. Commissioner.
(3 Enclosures)

R. 230. R.F & A.L. Va. 1868.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-22 20:52:11