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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Rockbridge Bath and Alleghany Counties
Lexington Va. Dec 28th 1867

Brvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner. District of Virginia

I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of the 24th inst asking whether I will remain in the Bureau as a civilian agent after my muster out on the 1st of January 1868.

To this interrogatory I must answer that I will not, and the question of pay does not in the least influence this decision. 

Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
J.W. Sharp
Brvt. Maj. U.S.V. & 
Asst. Supt Asst Com.
Rockbridge, Bath & Alleghany Cos. Va.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-22 14:18:44