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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.
Office A S Asst Comr 3d Div. 2 Sub Dist Va.
Lawrenceville Va Aug 28th 1868

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr District of Va
Richmond Va


I have the honor to report herewith the final action of the civil authorities in the case of Dr W W Lewis, charged with conspiring with other persons to incite the colored people to insurrection against the whites. 

He was bailed from jail Aug 6th inst. by order of the military commissioner to appear before the August term of the County Court of Brunswick the 24th inst.  The trial commenced Wednesday the 27th inst under the indictment, a copy of which I herein enclose.  The evidence for the prosecution but confirmed my previous opinion as stated in reports heretofore submitted regarding the same case, - that the charges against Dr Lewis were not sustained.  It was only proven, which was admitted by the defense, that Dr Lewis was seen July 5th ult. on the road marching with about 100, or more men women & children; that they went up the road about one mile from the residence of Dr Lewis turned around