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Bureau of R. F. & A. L. Hd. Qurs. Asst. Sub Asst. Commissioner
3rd & 4th Division, 8th Sub Dist. Va. Christiansburg Va.
Sept. 25th 1868.

Brvt Capt. Will A Coulter USA

AAA Genl.

Capt. I have have the honor to state that I have this day been relieved (by Mr. Mortimer Moulden A.S.A. Comr.) from duty, in charge of 3rd & 4th Divisions, 8th Sub Dist. Va. and would respectfully request that I be permitted to delay reporting at Jerusalem, Southampton Co. Va. (Hd. Qurs., 4th Division, 1st Sub Dist. Va.) until October 6th - one week from Tuesday next, in order to attend to some special business pertaining to the interests of the colored people in this section - including the transfer of school and church property &c. I have written direct, in order to save time, by receiving your answer two or more days in advance of its transmittal through Sub Dist. Hd. Quarters. Awaiting your reply
I am Capt. Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servant, CS Schaefer A.S.A. Comr.