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applying such other vile epithets to us said he had a good mind to go into the woods and get a club and whack both of us.  I replied Mr. Tabb we have no other way to get from our house to the county road than by this lane and that we had repaired and kept it in repair for our mutual benefit and that he had never before complained of our travelling over or useing the lane whenever our convenience required.  He then replied, and declared repeatedly, that if we ever travelled over that lane, or a foot of his ground, again, he would blow our brains out.  After having repeated this threat several times I asked him if he meant what he threatened.  He replied - yes - and if he then had a pistol would do it now!  I replied, and said Mr Tabb that is not according to law, and I am not the chicken to be talked to in that manner, and I will report you.

We then having reached the County road nothing more was said either by my brother or myself or Mr. Tabb.  Subsequently, in a few days a Dept'y Sheriff of Gloucester County Va, one Lawrence Stubbs, accompanied by the said Tabb, made their appearance, both being armed with pistols, and the said Depty. Sheriff did produce a warrent for the arrest of myself and brother John on the complaint of said Tabb.  This writ for our arrest was read to us by the said Depty. Sheriff and surrendering ourselves to the [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] custody of the said officer were taken to Gloucester County Ct. House and there arraigned and tried by a Court, of which one William [[Ap?]] Jones was the Magistrate.  A short examination ensued, and the said Magistrate deciding there was no cause for complaint against us, we were discharged 

Then to relieve the anxiety of our families, my brother and myself, in company with two of our friends, set out for home.  It was about dusk when we left the court House and proceeding in the direction of our homes