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the Court, under said writ, executed by said Sheriff. For what amount of money, said property sold for, I am unable to say as the said Sheriff refused to inform me on being asked how much said property had sold for at said Public Auction, and up to this time I have been unable to ascertain.

Sometime during the said Quarterly Court (June term /68) the said John H. Tabb preferred a complaint against me, (Baylor Thornton) for Petit Larceny, charging that I had taken, stolen, and carried away, goods and chattles, belonging to him, the said Tabb. The trial, in this case, was, by the Court postponed, until, the Court of September term. [[strikethrough]] And [[/strikethrough]] I was duly notified, to appear at said Court to answer. This trial took place on the 7th of September (1868) the 1st day of the sitting of the Court of said term.  A Jury were empanelled, and the case called and tried.  On the evidence educed I was acquitted by said Jury and discharged by said Court.  The goods and chattles which the said Tabb had charged me with having stolen &c and as belonging to him consisted of fourteen pine poles, valued at fifteen dollars and varying in size from three to four inches in diameter and which poles myself and brother John had used in the construction of the fence we had built to prevent the stock of the Tabb from trespassing upon my field of wheat, and which poles the said Tabb knew we had [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] thus applied and to which application of said poles said Tabb did not object at the time of their being thus used in the construction of said fence 

Respectfully submitted

Baylor Thornton
John Thornton his x mark

I certify that the foregoing statement was made and subscribed to by Baylor & John Thornton
Thomas J. Rice
A.S.A. Comr. 

Transcription Notes:
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