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Bureau R. F. & A. Lands.
Head Quarters. S. A. Comr. 8th Sub. Dist of Va.
Wytheville, Va. Aug 31st 1868

Bvt. Capt. Will. A. Coulter.
A. A. A. Genl. Bu. R. F. A. L.
Richmond Va.

I have the honor to state that since my endorsement of Aug 21st on a report of C. McDougall A. S. A. C. faverably forwarding his request for a small Military Force.  I have visited Abingdon and find the trouble to be in no way connected with the discharge of the duties of Mr. McDougall's office but personal and owing to a series of political speeches he has been in the habit of making at Abingdon and elsewhere in the same of which insulted by persons in the audience.  In conferring with leading Union men there and at Marion I find that it is their opinion that agitation now with no particular object in view has simply the effect of driving lukewarm and timid Union men over