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Cir Letter 
March 16th/68

Bureau R F & A Lands
Hd. Qrs SAC. 8th S Dist 
October 27 1868

Bt Capt Will A Coulter
A.A.A. Genl. Captain

Captain  I have the honor to state in reply to your communication dated Oct 24 recd Oct 27 that Circular No 16 C.S. is not on File at this office. Neither are Circulars No 2. 17 & 20. All the records for the current year have been carelessly preserved
None had been filed on my arrival here 
Mr Austin had just completed filing the circulars when he left. My time had been fully occupied up to my leaving in getting the old schools re-started & in organizing new ones besides attending to the current business, visiting the counties getting acquainted with my new station & duties &c. As soon as my new Clerk comes I will have a thorough overhauling of everything. Please send me therefore Circular Nos. 2. 16. 17 & 20. C.S of unnumbered circulars & circular letters I have those dated. Jan 30. Apr 8th 25th & 30. May 6th 21st 27th & 28th & July 24th. I have the honor to request that all circulars & circular letters not