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Nov the 9th 1868
in addressing Communication to Head Quarters Col S F Chalfin asst agt genl 1st Mil Dist  Dear ser under our present Condition I rite you a few lines hopeing you Will reseve them and I hope that you will Take it in to considerrations the condition of Colerd pepol in a Cuntry whir thay are all Rebels you no that with out pertection thay cant du a tall thirfore I Beg of you to no what to du fore sense god has made us a free pepol We want to be a pepel Sence it is his holy will We want to read his Wurd and thir by be abel to read our glours constetution I hope by these mens we can be yousful to the goverment and yousful in communeity is it rite or is it rong I'no. you Have considered all these things the guverment Has [[strikethrough]] po [[/strikethrough]] provideed for us a chool a free chool and thir is free chool Elce Whir and we have Had a chool hear and thir is 30 cholers [[strikethrough]] goen [[/strikethrough]] sind to this chool and in two or three wekes Thir will Be a Bout 40 choolers and we have a good teacher and the choolers are lerning very fast & doing well But We have had great opersetion But we have had a house to teach in acoring to Mister Mc dougalls orders he tole our theacher if he [[strikethrough]] col [[/strikethrough]] could get a room to [[strikethrough]] thea [[/strikethrough] teach in to take up at [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] wonce But as sune as he fown out the the rebels wore a pose to it he tole us that our chool would-have Stop for He sade he could not get us a house and we insisted on him to get us a house and he would not get it in the first plase We mad up a SubseScription among the colerd pepol and thay all Sind monny to by a hous or lan but the rebels      

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-30 11:12:45