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Fales, Miss E. N. teacher  165.
Farley, Mrs.  118.
Fawcett, Henry J. S.  174.
Faust, Frank. R.  159.
Fay, Miss C.S. Teacher. 168.
Ferebee, D.E. 270.
Fernald, W.L. Lieut & A. Supt. 43. 93. 194. 235. 571. 286.
Ferree, Esqr. Jas. J. 200. 
Fisher, Toliver. 88.
Fisher, Andrew. 98.
Fisher, Mrs. L.H. Supt of School. 99. 145. 165.
Fisher Wm, decd (cold)
Fisher, Myers. W. 282.
Fitzgerald, Richard. 77.
Fitzgerald, R.G. 160.
Flagg, A.S. Late Capt &c. 109. 110.
Flemming, Geo M. Lieut &c. 262.
Ford, Hardy (dec'd). 196.
Ford, Geo. M. 196.
Foreman, Arthur (Cold). 217.
Forguson, John C. 205.
Fallin, Joseph. 75.
Forrest, French. 287.
Foster, Isaac. 28.
Foster, David. 110.
Foster, Esqr. B.B. 128.
Fox & Blackwell, Estate. 125.
Fraction, Thomas & Othello. 76. 117.
Francis, Miss Abby. B. 56.154. 
Frayser, Mr. Albert R. 111.
Frenchan, Octavous. 31.
"Friends Freedmen's Assn". 117. 120.
Frisell, Rev. N.C. 180.
Frosky, Daniel. 73.
Fulks, Thomas.  77. 78. 

Transcription Notes:
x ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-16 19:51:04 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 23:07:27