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No. 903 for Mrs. M. Rogers.
No. 904 for Miss J.W. Duncan.
No. 905 for Miss C.S. Fay.
No. 906 for Misses Emma & Eunice Knapp.
No. 907 for Miss S.D. Hunt.
No. 908 for Miss F.A. Rowland.
No. 909 for Miss T.L. Hitchcock. 
No. 911 for Misses Mary Kenedy & E.E. Davis. 
No. 913 for Miss Clara Speis.
No. 916 for Miss J.W. Crowwell. 

Transportation for other Teachers with the exception of those named in communication from these Hd Qrs. dated June 16th, will be forwarded as soon as made out.  

Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl. 

(39 Enclosures)

June 22nd 1867.
Stevenson Lieut. L.W.
A.S.A. Comr. (thro. Capt. Lacey.)

The Asst. Commissioner directs me to inform you that permission is granted you to hire a clerk at a salary of ($75) seventy five dollars per month. You will forward the full name of the Clerk with the date of his appointment, in order that a letter of appointment can be made out for him.

Yours respecty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl.

June 22nd 1867.
Percy Esqr. H.C.,
Cashier &c (thro. Maj. Remington.)

The Asst. Commissioner directs me to inform you, that your application of the 8th inst. relative to a new office for your Bank, has been this day returned from Washington with the Information that "The Bureau will not incur any further expense for rent of the Norfolk Branch of the F.S. and T. Co." 

Yours respty,
Garrick Mallery 
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl  


June 22nd 1867.
Hambrick Lieut. Paul. R.
Act. Sub. Asst. Comr.

The Asst. Commissioner desires to be informed whether you have in your possession the records and books of the "Freedmen's Court" formerly held in this City. You will please inform me as to the whereabouts of the appeal in the case of Nancy Hines vs. Jno. A. Hutchinson - and the other papers in this case. The case was tried Nov. 24th 1865, and the appeal made thirty after. No record of it can be found in this office.  

Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl. 

June 22nd 1867 
Schreiner Lieut. H.
A.C.S. &c.

Please forward as soon as possible, the report of rations issued to Refugees & Freedmen, during the month of May, by officers and Agents of the Bureau in charge of Sub. Dist. 

Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl. 

June 23rd 1867.
Armstrong General S.C.
Agent in charge &c.

I enclose herewith a slip cut from the "Union Republican" of Norfolk, Va., You will immediately investigate and report when the cases and statements made therein. 

Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty, A.A.A. Genl. 

June 23rd 1867.
Lee Capt. S.P. 
S.A. Comr.,

I enclose herewith transportation order No 985 for Clara Gourig, teacher.-