Viewing page 21 of 175

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[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Raeburn, John. Clerk Bureau &c | 56./2 279. 281. |
| Raines, Tavern. Cumberland Co | 191. |
| Ramsair, James. (col'd) | 5. 44. |
| Randall, O.P. Clerk Bur &c | 101. 102. |
| Randolph, Geo W. (col'd) | 264. |
| Reed, Lt. M.S. A S A Comr | 11. 15. 32. 132. 148. 149. 177. | 
| Reed, James (col'd). | 197. |
| Refugees & Freedm. School Richmond Va. | 254. |
| Remington, J.H. S.A. Comr | 2. 4. 5. 9. 16. 22.
 25. 32. 44. 46. 49. 54. 57. 
79. 79. 80. 89. 92. 97./2 100. 101. 102./2 107./2 108./2 122. 
140. 141. 148. 150. 154. 155. 157. 165. 167. 2/170. 
176. 206. 216. 219. 229. 260. 261. 266. 266. 270. 
271. 275. 277. 279. |
| Rice, Thos. J. Agent | 27. 27. 129. 154. 278. 280. |
| Rice, Robert. F. | 274. |
| Richardson Henry  Clerk. | 49. 52. 52. 278. 280. | 
| Richardson, B. Esq'r | 245 |
| Ripley E.H. Capt. & A S A C. | 13. 15. 29. 187. 277. 279. |
| Robey, Wm. O.-  Rev'd | 251. |
| Robinson L.H. |  212. |
| Robinson Saml. (col'd) | 231. 232. | 
| Ross, Fred'k (col'd) | 44 |
| Roy, Iverson, James & Washington | 226. | 
| Rush, Martin (col'd) | 188. |
| Rush, Delia (col'd) | 188. |
| Rutherford R.S. Bvt Capt & A S A C. | 215. 225. | 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-30 17:16:27 Reformatting as columned data not completed yet ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-02 20:47:53 The little "2" above the page number means there are two letters with that name in it on the page.