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I am directed by the Asst. Comr. to inform you that the reports of Wm. Nutt, A.S.A.C., for March 1868, under Cir. 6 & 10. Series 1866, from these Head Quarters have not been received, and direct that you call on Mr. Nutt at once for them. 

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. April 25. 1868.

Tukey F.S.
Bowling Green, Va.

Permission granted.

By order
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

T 13. R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. April 25. 1868.

Jackson Thos. P.
S.A. Comr.

The appointment of Mr. J.M. Black as a Clerk in this Bur. has been revoked, to date April 25th 1868.

I enclose herewith the appointment of W.B. Nicholas as a Clerk in this Bureau, at a salary of $75 per month, to date April 26th 1868. The required oath after being duly subscribed will be returned to these Head Quarters.

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

(3 Enclosures).
J.84. R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. April 25. 1868.

Johnson James
S.A.C. Fredericksburg, Va.

Come to Richmond immediately 

By order
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

J.94, R.F. & A.L. Va/68.


Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. April 25. 1868.

Stone J.R.
S.A. Comr.
Petersburg, Va.

Come to Richmond immediately

By order
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. April 25. 1868.

White Capt. Geo. Q.
Chf. Q.M. D.O. & A.C.S.

The appointment of J.M. Black as a Clerk in this Bureau has been revoked, to date April 25th 1868.

W.B. Nicholas has been appointed a Clerk at a salary of $75 per month, to date April 26th 1868.

Yours respectfully
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

J.84. R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. April 25. 1868.

Remington Bvt. Maj. J.H.
S.A. Comr. 1st S. Dist.

It is not thought advisable that Bureau Officers or Agents should attend political conventions.

While it is clearly their duty to advise the freedmen in regard to their political and civil rights under the laws of Congress, it is not deemed proper, that Officers or Agents should become political partisans.

You will see that these instructions are at once promulgated to your subordinates.

By command of
Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Comr.
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

Copy sent to each S.A. Comr. Bur. &c.