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old & a valuable piece). He further very distinctly stated that the Commode was signed by Dubois & that he thought my mother had the papers or as I understood him that we could get these from the firm. I never knew where my mother bought the things which were in her apartment & I never heard, nor did my sister know of any gift she had received from the firm.

Naturally, after what Warren told me, Is repeated what he had said to the American art as I imagined of course that he would not say anything to me of which he was not certain & I had no reason to doubt his word.

When the American art advised me last Monday that the Commodore was not a signed piece I was amazed & shot over to your galleries at once & spoke to Mr. De Hauck who told me I would hear from him by return mail. In the meantime I sent a wire to Waegen & also a letter - to neither of which I have to date received a reply. 

I am really very much embarrassed and perturbed about the whole thing

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-03 22:56:04