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James W. Gerard
40 Wall Street
New York City
Telephone Whitehall 4-00010

November 6, 1935

Mr. Germain Seligmann,
3 E. 51st St.,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Seligmann:
 It is my honor and privilege to invite you to join a group of distinguished men and women of this city who are banding together to pay tribute to admiral Richard E. Byrd, his first New York Reception since his return from the Antarctic.
 The Admiral has, until now, refused all similar functions, but his many friends in our city have prevailed upon him to accept this expression of our esteem, a banquet to be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria on Thursday, December 5th.
 Among those who have joined with me on the invitation committee are: - Winthrop W. Aldrich, George Blumenthal, Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, Hon. John. W. Davis, Mrs. Henry P. Davison, Hon. Trubee Davison, Marshall Field, Clarence H. Mackay, Hon. Henry Morgenthau, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Rear-Admiral Yates Stirling, Jr., Gerard Swope, William H. Vanderbilt, Thomas J. Watson and Owen D. Young. 
 Your membership on this committee will not entail any obligation but will indicate your regard for the achievements and personality of the most distinguished American scientist and explorer of our day.

Yours very truly,
 James W. Gerard [Signature]
James W. Gerard


P.S. I am calling a meeting of the Committee to be held at the Waldorf-Astoria on next Tuesday afternoon, November 12th, at four o'clock, at which will be discussed plans to make this a brilliant and unusual occasion. If you can possibly attend, the benefit of your advice and counsel will be appreciated.